Cortex Prime calculator powered by Icepool

d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 Drop Keep
Account for heroic successes (experimental).
Hitches count as 1s (rather than 0s), but still can't be used for effect.

Total and effect die

Mean roll Mean difficulty Fail d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 Beyond
Effect die exactly: % % % % % % %
Effect die at least: % % % % % %




How does it work?

I built this using Pyodide, Chart.js, and of course, my own Icepool Python library.

Prior work

Here is a previous calculator by Casey Link, which uses exponential-time enumeration of all possible die results. While my calculator needs to load pyodide, it can compute larger pools at interactive speed due to a polynomial-time algorithm.

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Find me on Reddit or Twitter.